China Truer IP Invited to Present Patent Basic Topics Training Course in Graduate School at Shenzhen, Tsinghua University
On March 24, 2012, the teachers of Graduate School at Shenzhen, Tsinghua University held the Patent Basic Topics Training Course at the Multi-functional Hall. Mr. Yaochun Jiang, the General Manager of China Truer IP, was invited to make presentation at the training course. Teacher Wang, Haoqian and students attended the training course.
Mr. Jiang first emphasized that among the tangible assets and the intangible assets in the modern society, patent as the intangible assets plays very important role. In our country, there are 3 types of patent: patent for invention, patent for utility model and patent for design. Mr. Jiang then analyzed the 3 types of patent in detail. By using the patent cases of ZTE, Huawei and Emerson as examples, Mr. Jiang pointed out how to show inventive step, practical applicability and novelty features during patent drafting and patent prosecution, and put forward the theory of using “STAR” method to draft technical disclosure. Meanwhile, by case study, Mr. Jiang shows the function of patent in ensuring the economic interests of the patentee and promoting science development. Mr. Jiang also introduced documents for filing patent applications and government policies for supporting patent applications. After presentation, the students interacted well with Mr. Jiang, they asked many questions on patent application, patent protection and patent value.
At the end of the training course, Teacher Wang emphasized again the importance of the patent through his own case, which makes the students to have intuitive grasp of patent.