The outstanding quality of our professionals and staff is the main source of our success. TRUER comprises more than 30 attorneys, patent attorneys, patent engineers, trademark paralegals and support staff, who are highly-educated, trustworthy, qualified and well-experienced. It is the member or director member of more than 10 International and Domestic Associations of IPR, such as FICPI, AIPPI, INTA, ACPAA, CTA etc.
Most of employees graduated from famous universities, and some of them had worked in famous corporations. Within the patent group, attorneys with appropriate educational and technical backgrounds specialize in fields such as information technology, telecommunications, electronics, computer engineering, physics and optics, mechanics, chemistry, pharmacy, biotechnology, and medical devices, etc.
Every practice group within the firm may also benefit from a close working relationship with other practice groups including process management group, foreign-related business group, accounting and finance, and labor, enabling it to handle all potential legal issues, IP-related or otherwise, that its clients may encounter in China and overseas. Our teamwork produces synergy and through synergy consolidates our integrity and service quality.
TRUER emphasizes on recruiting and training talented young attorneys so as to meet the diverse need of the clients. It has hosted and co-organized many IP-related trainings and events periodically with domestic and international organizations and overseas law firms to enhance the practical skills of internal staff, attorneys of cooperative IP firms, IP working staff in corporations and institutes. Besides, Truer has sent several employees to participate in internship program, trainings, seminars, symposiums in US, France, Germany, Australia and Asian countries.Patent
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