Serial Lecture of European Patent---Efforts to Develop Top IP Talents in Hong Kong-Shenzhen
On May 10, 2012 and May 11, 2012, the Serial Lecture of European Patent---European Patent Prosecution and Notice on Patent Enforcement, organized by Shenzhen IP Office, co-organized by China Truer IP and Beetz & Partner, was held at the meeting hall of China Truer IP located at Shenzhen Diwang Building. The person in charge of the IP department of enterprises and education research institutions, patent agents of IP agencies from Hong Kong and Shenzhen attended the lecture.
Mr. Alex Pfeiffer, partner of Beetz & Partner, German patent attorney, European patent, trademark and design attorney, Ms. Xiaolu Li, patent engineer, were invited to give presentation on European patent prosecution and notice on patent enforcement, especially explained and analyzed in detail the topics on inventive steps of European patent, amendment of European patent application, skills of responding office action, procedure and notices of domestic application to Euro-PCT to Germany, patent protection scope and validity and infringement issue, European patent litigation procedure, strategy of saving cost for European patent application. Meanwhile, by sharing the case study, Q & A procedure, and exercise of typical case and discussion, the professional skill of the attendees was promoted effectively.
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